Science, asked by AnishaHaque, 1 year ago

what is science? why do we need it????


Answered by SRAnmol
science is the thing to observe not to test not to u but in chemistry can be use in chemical mixing... physics can be use in calculating speed , velocity, acceleration and many more.... we need science to get knowledge and gain brain power... biology is use to study and human organs , animals, genra and many more......
Answered by brainly110
Science isn’t a thing that can be done away with. It is the observation and study of the world around us. The Scientific method is just observing and studying in a way that minimizes bias and error.

I suppose you could abolish the Scientific Method if you really tried, but as long as people are asking questions and trying to understand the world around them, as long as someone is curious or asks why something is the way it is, science will exist. Science is the inevitable result of asking questions about the world.

Just by asking this question, you have kicked off science. Science is the result of curiosity, and I don’t know that you could argue that we don’t need to be curious. Certainly, life would be boring without it.

I think the problem is that many people conflate gaining knowledge with the application of said knowledge. That is its own problem, but it is also solved with science.

If you think things are being done incorrectly, nothing stops you from going out and doing the study to prove it (or perhaps funding people equipped to answer your questions).

I suspect the main reason people have difficulty with science is because frequently, someone’s beliefs are directly challenged by evidence generated through scientific study. This is more about people being stubborn and closed minded, than with a flaw in science. People don’t like to hear their long held beliefs are not fully supported by observable fact, and that causes many to experience cognitive dissonance and dig in further.

The Scientific Method demands evidence to minimize bias and error, and this more or less directly challenges any belief based on “faith”, since faith is almost by definition having confidence and belief in something without necessarily requiring that evidence.

You can see this kind of struggle all the time in fiction. There are many stories that include a “Magic vs Science” theme, which a lot of people accept, but is actually very silly when you think about it. There is always something measurable and observable about magic. Even if the characters do not yet understand why or how magic works, they can still measure the results and start working back towards that knowledge. The people using that magic themselves usually have to learn about it and perfect it, and the action of developing their magical powers is scientific in itself.

As a side note, you rarely ever see magical characters questioning why they need magic, even though magic is used to great effect by many villains all the time. No one at hogwarts is encouraging everyone to live simply like muggles.

Ultimately, science is not a need, its the inevitable result of the questions about the world around us.

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