what is sea breeze and land breeze
Land breeze blows during the night from land to sea and the land becomes cooler faster than the sea. The air above the sea becomes less dense (i.e. warmer) and rises.
During day time the sun shines and provides heat equally to land and sea. But the land gets heated faster than the sea so the hot air present above the land goes up and the air remains empty there.
Then the air from sea which is not heated up still moves to that empty space such that the amount of air present in land is equal that to amount of air present above sea. That's how sea-breeze takes place.
During night time the sun sets and land and sea gets cooled down . But the land gets cooled faster than the sea so the hot air present above the sea goes up and the air remains empty there.
Then the air from land which is cooled down moves to that empty space such that the amount of air present in land is equal that to amount of air present above sea. That's how land-breeze takes place.