what is sentence?? what is noun and What is common noun....... answer me.....
Question 1. What is sentence?
Answer: A set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses.
Question 2. What is noun?
Answer : A word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things (common noun), or to name a particular one of these (proper noun).
Question 3. what is common noun?
Answer: A common noun is a non-specific person, place, or thing. For example, dog, girl, and country are examples of common nouns.
This may help you
Simplest answer to what is sentence is Sentence is a group of words which make some sense.
All the naming words are noun. It can be name of things, person, place, feeling etc.
Common noun is the noun which refers to the class of that particular thing but is not the name of particular thing. Eg. fort is common noun but red fort is proper noun.