Biology, asked by techygyan012, 8 months ago

What is Sericulture? in long​


Answered by tintin15551


Sericulture is the process of cultivating silkworms and extracting silk from them. The caterpillars of the domestic silkmoth (also called ‘Bombyx mori’) are the most commonly used silkworm species in sericulture. Other types of silkworms (such as Eri, Muga, and Tasar) are also cultivated for the production of ‘wild silks’. An image detailing the different types of silkworms is provided below.Sericulture is a very important domestic industry in many countries. India and China are the world’s leading producers of silk. The silk output of these two countries combined accounts for over 60% of the global production.

Silk is a fiber made up two different proteins – sericin and fibroin. Approximately 80% of silk fiber is made up of fibroin, which is concentrated at the core. This core is surrounded by a layer of sericin (which makes up the remaining 20% of silk).

The presence of pigments (such as xanthophyll) in the sericin layer of the fiber imparts colour to the silk. Each type of silk has a distinct colour, as tabulated below.Type of Silk Colour

Mulberry Silk Yellow/Green

Eri Silk Creamy-White/Brick-Red

Tasar Silk Copper-Brown

Muga Silk Golden

For the production of mulberry silk, the sericulture process follows three primary steps.

Moriculture – the cultivation of mulberry leaves.

Silkworm rearing – promoting the growth of the silkworm.

Silk reeling – the extraction of silk filaments from the silkworm cocoons

Finally, the silk filaments are woven together to form a thread. These threads are often plied together to form a yarn.



Answered by angelkandulna64


Sericulture,also called silk farming, is the process of making silk fibers.It starts by raising silkworms and then processing the fibers they produce.Silk fibers are combined into silk thread.The thread can then be twisted into silk yarn or woven into silk cloth.

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