what is sheet of cellphone
Cell Phone?
Arsenic (gallium arsenide in the ampliÆer
and receiver). Mined in China, Chile,
Morocco, Peru, Kazakhstan, Russia, Belgium
and Mexico.
Copper (circuitry). Mined in Chile, United
States, Peru, China, Australia, Russia,
Indonesia, Canada, Zambia, Poland, Kazakhstan
and Mexico.
Gallium (gallium arsenide). Mined in China,
Germany, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.
Gold (circuitry). Mined in China, United
States, Australia, South Africa, Peru, Russia,
Canada, Uzbekistan, Ghana, Papua New
Guinea, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico and Chile.
Magnesium compounds (phone case).
Mined in China, Turkey, North Korea, Russia,
Slovakia, Austria, Spain, Australia, Brazil,
Greece, India and the United States.
Palladium (circuitry). Mined in Russia, South
Africa, Canada, United States and Zimbabwe.
Platinum (circuitry). Mined in South Africa,
Russia, Canada, Zimbabwe, United States and
Silver (circuitry). Mined in Peru, Mexico,
China, Australia, Chile, Russia, United States,
Poland, Bolivia and Canada.
Tungsten (circuitry). Mined in China, Russia,
Canada, Austria, Bolivia and Portugal.
A multitude of petroleum products are used in
cellular phones.
About 130 million cell phones are retired
annually in the United States. Collectively,
these cell phones weigh about 14,000 metric
tons. Annually retired cell phones contain
almost 2,100 metric tons of copper, 46 metric
tons of silver, 3.9 metric tons of gold, 2
metric tons of palladium, and 0.04 metric
tons of platinum.
Recovery and recycling of cell phones are
in the early stages of development, as is the
case for recycling of electronics in general.
For cell phone recycling to grow, recycling
must become economically viable. EfÆcient
recovery infrastructure, product designs that
simplify dismantling, and other changes are
needed to facilitate the growth of cell phone
Gallium arsenide is used in the ampliÆer and
Magnesium compounds are alloyed to make
the cell phone cases.
To learn
Inside a Cell Phone
A microscopic microphone.
A speaker.
An LCD or plasma display.
A keyboard not unlike the one we saw in a TV remote control.
An antenna.
A battery.
An amazing circuit board containing the guts of the phone.
A mobile phone contains about 16 grams of copper, e.g. in circuit boards, wires, connectors and batteries. A mobile phone contains about 0.034 grams of gold, e.g. in connectors and circuit boards.