what is Shenzhen code
Biology requires a precise and simple system of nomenclature that is
used in all countries, dealing on the one hand with the terms that denote
the ranks of taxonomic groups or units, and on the other hand with the sci-
entific names that are applied to the individual taxonomic groups. The pur-
pose of giving a name to a taxonomic group is not to indicate its characters
or history, but to supply a means of referring to it and to indicate its taxo-
nomic rank. This Code aims at the provision of a stable method of naming
taxonomic groups, avoiding and rejecting the use of names that may cause
error or ambiguity or throw science into confusion. Next in importance is
the avoidance of the useless creation of names. Other considerations, such
as absolute grammatical correctness, regularity or euphony of names, more
or less prevailing custom, regard for persons, etc., notwithstanding their
undeniable importance, are relatively accessory.