what is shifting cultivation? what are its disadvantages?
here is Ur answers
After the soil loses its fertility, the land is abandoned and the cultivator moves to a new plot. The major disadvantage of Shifting Cultivation is that many trees in the forest are cut and this increases soil infertility and leads to soil erosion.
@ awamynaran184..▼
Shifting cultivation is a type of farming activity in which a plot of land is cleared by
cutting down trees and burning them. The ashes are then mixed with the soil and crops
are grown. After the land has lost its fertility, it is abandoned. The farmers then move to
a new place.
This type of farming has the following disadvantages.
● It leads to deforestation.
● The land used loses its fertility after some time
● It also leads to soil erosion
● Burning of trees causes air pollution
● Crops are cultivated on small plots of land which is insufficient for feeding a large