what is significant number? what is the significant number in 5499900
5499900 - has 5 significant number.
Significant Number .
The Digit in a number whose value is Accurately Known is Called Significant Number or Figure.
Here Number Before Decimal is Accurate value and number after Decimal is doubtful value.
1.All non-zero digits are significant.
2.All Zeroes between two non -zero or Significant digits are significant .
In 4.03 total Significant Figure is 3.
3.If Zeroes are at end of a Number or Figure after Decimal, will be significant figure.
In 2.40 Total Significant value is 3 (1 accurate figure,2 doubtful figure)
If it is not after Decimal then it is Insignificant.
Like 430 here 4 and 3 are significant but not 0.
4.Intial Zeroes are Insignificant.
Here 0.00 is Intial Zeroes so it will not countable. After zero it is 930 So, Total Significant Value is 3.
5.Power of 10 is Insignificant
Like =5×10²
Here 5 is significant but 10² is not.
6.Famous Constant or Pure Number is Significant .
Like Speed of Light =3×10^8
Meanwhile it is Power of 10 but it is fixed constant figure of thing that's why it is Significant figure.
what is the significant number in 5499900?
As we know in Rule 3 and 1 if Zeroes are not between Significant figure or it is Not After Decimal then given Zero is Insignificant.
In 5499900 is 54999 is significant number total 5