what is smallest 4-digit number which is divisible by 71 ?
1065 is the right
you can divide 1000 by 71 and note that it is 14.0845070…..
you can divide 1000 by 71 and note that it is 14.0845070…..71x 14= 994 ,a 3 digit number
you can divide 1000 by 71 and note that it is 14.0845070…..71x 14= 994 ,a 3 digit number71x15= 1065,the first 4 digit number divisible by 71.
you can divide 1000 by 71 and note that it is 14.0845070…..71x 14= 994 ,a 3 digit number71x15= 1065,the first 4 digit number divisible by 71.You can clearly see that 71x10=710, only a 3 digit number…continuing to
you can divide 1000 by 71 and note that it is 14.0845070…..71x 14= 994 ,a 3 digit number71x15= 1065,the first 4 digit number divisible by 71.You can clearly see that 71x10=710, only a 3 digit number…continuing tofind 71x11,71x12,,,,, it can be seen that 71x15=1065 is the answer.
Step-by-step explanation:
1065 or the answer .
Anyway u can divide 1000 by 71 and note that it is 14.0845070
71 × 14 = 994 , a 3 digit number .
71 × 15 = 1065 the first four digit number are divisible by 71 .
You can clearly see that 71 × 10 = 710 , only 3 digit
number continuing to .
find 71 × 11 , 71 × 12 it can be seen that
71 × 15 = 1065 is the answer