Math, asked by gunjannke8, 1 year ago

What is smallest digit should come in blank space so that is number divisible by 11.

Number is :- 71_865

I kindly request you please give full solution .

One more question :-

The product of an integer and zero (0) it's not always an integer. ?
It is true or false
Please explain clearly I expect to you much more.

Gunjan Kumar Mishra

Ankushk: internet means
Ankushk: sorry interger means
gunjannke8: Integer


Answered by Ankushk
for knowledge of divisibility of 11 with any number add first digit, third digit, fifth digit, seventh digit and like this another
7+6+5(because third digit is missing) =18
than add second digit, fourth digit, sixth digit, eighth digit, tenth digit and other like this other
1+8+5=14 OK
subtract bigger with smaller
if the difference is 0 or divided by 11
(11,22,55,88 etc)
than it is divided by 11 otherwise not
so 4 is not divided by 11
so than fill that number which make the difference is multiple of 11 or 11 (which is near)
so fill =11-4 =7 (11 is near )
2) false
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