English, asked by tajmahalup, 1 year ago

What is snapdragon processor!. how it performs?​


Answered by king00167


Snapdragon is a suite of system on a chip (SoC) semiconductor products for mobile devices designed and marketed by Qualcomm Technologies Inc. The Snapdragon central processing unit (CPU) uses the ARM RISC instruction set. A single SoC may include multiple CPU cores, an Adreno graphics processing unit (GPU), a Snapdragon wireless modem, a Hexagon Digital signal processor (DSP), a Qualcomm Spectra Image Signal Processor (ISP) anpad other software and hardware to support a smartphone's global positioning system (GPS), camera, video, audio, gesture recognition and AI acceleration. Snapdragon semiconductors are embedded in devices of various systems, including Android, Windows Phone and netbooks


hope it help uh

Answered by Anonymous


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<!-- sand -->


<!-- upper part -->

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<!-- last drop -->

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