English, asked by shazokb, 9 months ago

what is social psychology for tell me about it for my presentation but in simple words​


Answered by shrutikaushik3006


In the field of psychology, social psychology is the scientific study of how the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined, and implied presence of othersTraditionally, the emergence of this discipline bridged the gap between psychology and sociology. During the years immediately following World War II, there was frequent collaboration between psychologists and sociologistsIn addition to the split between psychology and sociology, there has been a somewhat less pronounced difference in emphasis between American and European social psychologists, as, the former traditionally have focused more on the individual, whereas the latter have generally paid more attention to group-level phenomena.

Maybe it will help you

Answered by muskangupta354564


social psychology stands for the mentality of people in social

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