Geography, asked by vageesha89, 10 months ago

what is soil erosion? Mention the type of soil erosion and write the steps to conserve soil from erosion​


Answered by krrish0018

Soil erosion is the displacement of the upper layer of soil, one form of soil degradation. ... Soil erosion may be a slow process that continues relatively unnoticed, or it may occur at an alarming rate causing a serious loss of topsoil.

How to prevent soil erosion

Crop Rotation: Rotating in high-residue crops — such as corn, hay, and small grain — can reduce erosion as the layer of residue protects topsoil from being carried away by wind and water.

Conservation Tillage: Conventional tillage produces a smooth surface that leaves soil vulnerable to erosion.

Answered by Anonymous

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●Practice No-Till farming

With no-till farming, crops are allowed to remain rather than being plowed under at the end of the season. This practice keeps soils anchored in place rather than having bare ground exposed to wind and water.

●Use Terrace Farming

This type of farming uses the topography of the land to slow water flow through a series of terraces. This manipulation of the water flow prevents it from gathering speed and washing soil away from farmlands.

●Practice Contour Farming

Contour farming replicates the effects of terrace farming, but on a smaller scale. Rather than planting crops in straight vertical rows, crops are planted following the contour of the landscape. Crops planted up and down hillsides create pathways for water to flow. Crops planted parallel to the land slow the flow of water that prevents soil erosion.

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