What is soil profile?
A soil horizon is a layer parallel to the soil surface, also the decaying matter on it, whose physical, chemical and biological characteristics differ from the layers above and beneath. Horizons are defined in many cases by obvious physical features, mainly colour and texture.
If you visit a site, Where are has been dug for building a house or looking in a soil Peat , on a road side cut you will see various layers in the soil. These layers are called soil horizons . The arrangement of these Horizons in a soil is known as soil profile.
Each soil Horizon is different from the other in texture , colour , chemical composition and depth.
★ O HORIZONS ------› It is that top organic layer of the soil mostly made up of leaf litter and humus this horizon is rich in humus.
★ A HORIZONS ------› This players are also called as top soil and is found below the O horizon. Seed germinate and plant grow in this dark coloured Layer. It is made up of humus ( decomposed organic matter ) mixed with mineral particles.
Sometimes , leaching of minerals and clay content takes place in the lower part of A horizon as water drips throw this region. This process of leaching is called evaluation .
★ B HORIZONS -------› It is also called the sub soil. This layer is Beneath The A horizon and about the C horizon. It contains clay and mineral deposits like Iron and Aluminium oxide. It receives them , from layers above it , when mineralised water drips from the top soil.
★ R HORIZONS --------› This consists of the unweathered rock layer , called the Bedrock. It exist beneath all the other layers.