what is solar and lunar
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A partial solar eclipse.
The Moon covering parts of the Sun during a partial solar eclipse.
©iStockphoto.com/Hans-Walter Untch
A solar eclipse happens when the New Moon moves between Earth and the Sun while a lunar eclipse occurs when Earth casts a shadow on the Full Moon.
If a planet comes between Earth and the Sun, and is visible as a black dot against the Sun, it is called a planet transit.
Types of Eclipses
From Earth, we can see 2 types of eclipses – eclipses of the Sun (solar eclipses), and eclipses of the Moon (lunar eclipses). These occur when the Sun, Earth, and the Moon align in a straight or almost straight configuration. Astronomers call this a syzygy, from the ancient Greek word syzygia, meaning to be yoked together or conjoined.
The term eclipse also finds its roots in ancient Greek – it comes from the word ékleipsis, meaning to fail or to abandon.
Eclipses, solar and lunar, have fascinated scientists and lay people for centuries. In ancient times, eclipses were seen as phenomena to be feared – many cultures came up with stories and myths to explain the temporary darkening of the Sun or the Moon. In recent centuries, eclipses have been sought after by scientists and astronomers who use the events to study and examine our natural world.
A partial solar eclipse.
The Moon covering parts of the Sun during a partial solar eclipse.
©iStockphoto.com/Hans-Walter Untch
A solar eclipse happens when the New Moon moves between Earth and the Sun while a lunar eclipse occurs when Earth casts a shadow on the Full Moon.
If a planet comes between Earth and the Sun, and is visible as a black dot against the Sun, it is called a planet transit.
Types of Eclipses
From Earth, we can see 2 types of eclipses – eclipses of the Sun (solar eclipses), and eclipses of the Moon (lunar eclipses). These occur when the Sun, Earth, and the Moon align in a straight or almost straight configuration. Astronomers call this a syzygy, from the ancient Greek word syzygia, meaning to be yoked together or conjoined.
The term eclipse also finds its roots in ancient Greek – it comes from the word ékleipsis, meaning to fail or to abandon.
Eclipses, solar and lunar, have fascinated scientists and lay people for centuries. In ancient times, eclipses were seen as phenomena to be feared – many cultures came up with stories and myths to explain the temporary darkening of the Sun or the Moon. In recent centuries, eclipses have been sought after by scientists and astronomers who use the events to study and examine our natural world.
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Solar is a sokar panel to that gets electric power from the rays of sunlight which it generates as electricity. Lunar eclipse is a small planet that can only be seen by naked eye.
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