what is solar cell panel and mention two merits and two limitations of solar cell.
Photovoltaic solar panels absorb sunlight as a source of energy to generate electricity. A photovoltaic module is a packaged, connected assembly of typically 6x10 photovoltaic solar cells.
The maximum efficiency for normal high-quality solar cells and solar panels is only just over 20% Every power generating system has limits on its efficiency, for a variety of reasons (limitations due to materials, natural leakage between systems components, environmental factors etc.).
Advantages of Solar Cells.
Renewable energy - The energy can be used both to generate electricity and heat in the house. Renewable energy is recovered from the sun, the wind and waves - which in this case is the sun. Solar cells harness the energy from the sun and transform this into usable electricity.
Sonar cell panel has a no. of solar cells connected which can convert light energy to electric energy.
Advantages:- It can be used to produce electricity in remote places where electricity transmission is difficult
.it produces electricity almost free of cost after installing the pannels
It can't be used during days when sufficient sunlight isn't available