what is solar system what is solar system
Answer : Our Sun together with all the planets that revolve around it, their satellites or moons , meteors, comets and asteroids, forms that solar system. ' Sol " in Latin means the Sun so the Sun and all the heavenly bodies related to it make up the solar system .
• Our solar system was formed about 4.6 billon years ago
• The Sun, the planets and other celestial bodies have their own gravity of different strengths .
This pull on each other, is what holds them in place in the solar system and keeps them where they are
• Each planet takes a certain amount of time to complete one revolution around the Sun. This is called its year. The father a planet is form the Sun, the longer is it year. Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, has a year 88 Earth days. The Earth takes 365 1/4 days complete one revolution around the Sun.