Biology, asked by rozy81, 1 year ago

what is species ???give a example.


Answered by Anonymous
group of organisms that have similar features and are capable of breeding with one another but not with other species. Species is a subdivision of a genus or subgenus.

Vertebrate Species

Here are examples of vertebrate species with their common name listed first:

Alpaca - Vicugna pacosAnole lizard - Anolis carolinensisArmadillo - Dasypus novemcinctusBushbaby - Otolemur garnettiiCat - Felis catusChicken - Gallus gallusChimpanzee - Pan troglodytesChinese hamster - Cricetulus griseusCod - Pelodiscus sinensisCoelacanth - Latimeria chalumnaeCow - Bos taurusDog - Canis lupus familiarisDolphin - Tursiops truncatusDuck - Anas platyrhynchosElephant - Loxodonta africanaFerret - Mustela putorius furoFruitfly - Drosophila melanogasterGibbon - Nomascus leucogenysGorilla - Gorilla gorillaGuinea Pig - Cavia porcellusHedgehog - Erinaceus europaeusHorse - Equus caballusHuman - Homo sapiensKangaroo rat - Dipodomys ordiiLamprey - Petromyzon marinusMegabat - Pteropus vampyrusMouse - Mus musculusMouse Lemur - Microcebus murinusOpossum - Monodelphis domesticaOrangutan - Pongo abeliiPainted Turtle - Chrysemys picta be
Answered by AishaSingh2245

⏩⏩ ßPÊÇÍÉß : Species is a group of animals, plants or other living things that all share common characteristics and that are all classified as alike in some manner. An example of a species is all human beings.....⏪⏪

With regards....‼️‼️
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