What is standard meridian ??
Hye Babu
Standard Meridian is the longitude which is used to describe time of a country. It ideally should be the same for the whole country and all the places in a country should follow this same time. The standard meridian of India is 82.5 ° E and it passes through Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh.
The time gap between the western point of Gujarat and the easternmost point of Arunachal Pradesh has a time gap of 2 hours. So, there is a lot of confusion in the whole country. Therefore, a standard meridian should be established in each country as it is the central longitude of the whole country so that there is an equal time in all theThe time gap between the western point of Gujarat and the easternmost point of Arunachal Pradesh has a time gap of 2 hours. So, there is a lot of confusion in the whole country. Therefore, a standard meridian should be established in each country as it is the central longitude of the whole country so that there is an equal time in all the