English, asked by jainmegha827, 11 months ago

What is stephen leacock reaction to the photographers criticism of his face ?


Answered by piu54
In With the Photographer by Stephen Leacock we have the theme of insecurity, anger, appearance, confidence, acceptance and control. Narrated in the first person by an unnamed forty year old man the reader realises from the beginning of the story that Leacock may be exploring the theme of insecurity. The narrator while sitting in the photographer’s studio begins to read some magazines. It is through his reading of the magazines and seeing how other people look that the narrator begins to feel insecure about his appearance. This may be important as Leacock could be suggesting that the narrator is unrealistically comparing himself to professional models. People who have had make-up applied, proper lighting and clothing prior to their photograph being taken. If anything the magazines make the narrator insecure when the reality is there is no need for him to be. It is also noticeable that the photographer takes a dislike to the narrator’s appearance (his face) judging it to be wrong. This too may be important as it suggests that there is a standard being set by the photographer and that the narrator because of how he physically looks does not meet that standard. Just as there is comparisons being made by the narrator to the people he sees in the magazines. Likewise the photographer is making comparisons or judging the narrator solely on his appearance.
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