what is structure of heart
=> Heart is present between the lungs in thoracic cavity slightly tilted to left.
=> Human heart is four-chambered ,i.e.
=> two Auricles and two ventricles each separated by septum.
=> Human heart is four-chambered,i.e.
=> it has four different chambers which are meant to prevent the mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.
The different chambers of the hearts are as follows :
▪AURICLES ( upper chamber) : There are 2 AURICLES or atria, i.e. left and right , separated by an interauricular septum.
▪ VENTRICLES (lower chamber ) The two inferior chambers of the heart are right and left ventricle separated by an interventricular septum.
Membranes in heart:-
The peracardium is a thin membrane that encloses the heart and the Base of the great vessels of the heart(aorta,vena cava, pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein).
There are 4 valves present in heart -
▪The mitral valve and tricuspid valve which controls the blood from atria to the ventricles.
▪The aortic valve and pulmonary valve which controls blood flow out of the ventricles .
The heart is divided into four chambers consisting of two atria and two ventricles; the atria receive blood, while the ventricles pump blood. ... The heart is composed of three layers: the epicardium (outer layer), the myocardium (middle layer), and the endocardium (inner layer).