What is suberin? Which type of the plant it is present?
Suberin is found in the phellem layer of the periderm (or cork). This is outermost layer of the bark. The cells in this layer are dead and abundant in suberin, preventing water loss from the tissues below. Suberin can also be found in various other plant structures.
Suberin is a wax like fatty substance. Suberin is highly hydrophobic and it prevents water from penetrating the tissue. Suberin is found in the cell walls of cork cells.
For example, mangroves use suberin to minimize salt intake from their littoral habitat. Suberin is found in the phellem layer of the periderm (or cork). This is outermost layer of the bark. The cells in this layer are dead and abundant in suberin, preventing water loss from the tissues below.
Suberin is present in many C4 plants as an impermeable layer between the bundle sheath and mesophyll cells. Cork tissue, consisting of dead cells surrounded by alternating layers of suberin and wax, has a particularly high suberin content.