What is subsidiary alliance? Explain.
hope the answer will help you

Subsidiary Alliance was basically a treaty between the British East India Company and the Indian princely states.
An Indian ruler entering into Subsidiary Alliance with the British had to dissolve his own armed forces and accept British forces in his territory.
He also had to pay for the British army’s maintenance. If he failed to make the payment, a portion of his territory would be taken away and ceded to the British.
In return, the British would protect the Indian state against any foreign attack or internal revolt.
The Indian state could not enter into any alliance with any other foreign power.
The Indian state could also not enter into any political connection with another Indian state without British approval.
The Indian ruler, thus, lost all powers in respect of foreign affairs and the military.
As a result of Indian rulers disbanding their armies, many people were rendered unemployed. Many Indian states lost their independence and slowly, most parts of India were coming under British control.