What is successive integral multiple ??
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Step-by-step explanation:
multiple integral, In calculus, the integral of a function of more than one variable. As the integral of a function of one variable over an interval results in an area, the double integral of a function of two variables calculated over a region results in a volume.
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Let the two number or integers be x and y. Now the numbers are a multiple of 5, that means the integers can be taken as 5x and 5y. Therefore, as x and y are successive integers that means y = x + 1.
Step-by-step explanation:
: 15, 20 or -15, -20
Hint :
Let the successive multiples of 5 be 5x and 5(x + 1). Then,
5x.5(x + 1) = 300 ⇒x
+ x = 12 ⇒x
+ x - 12 = 0
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