what is super cosmos?
RA is the astronomical equivalent of longitude, and ranges from 0 hours to 24 hours. RA is further subdivided into minutes and seconds, so that an RA of 01 20 45 equates to 1 hour, 20 minutes and 45 seconds.
Dec is the astronomical equivalent of latitude, and ranges from -90 to + 90 degrees. Again Dec is further subdivided into minutes and seconds, so that a Dec of -17 20 45 equates to -17 degrees, 20 minutes and 45 seconds.
Enter the RA and Dec together in the box provided on the form i.e as
01 20 45 -17 20 45
Currently the whole of the southern sky in UKST B and R is available on line, you should get images returned if you select either of these surveys and input RAs between 0-24 hours and Decs between -90 and +2.5.
Cosmos, in astronomy, the entire physical universe considered as a unified whole (from the Greek kosmos, meaning “order,” “harmony,” and “the world”). Humanity's growing understanding of all the objects and phenomena within the cosmic system is explained in the article universe.