what is surface tension
The tension of the surface film of a liquid caused by the attraction of the particles in the surface layer by the bulk of the liquid, which tends to minimize surface area.
Surface Tension-: If we draw an imaginary line on free liquid surface at right angle then the force acting per unit length on the one side of that imaginary line is known as surface tension.
SI UNITS-: N/m and J/m².
CGS UNITS-: dyne/cm and erg/cm².
Effects of Surface Tension-:
(i) Bubbles of a soap are spherical.
(ii) Spherical shape of small liquid droplets.
(iii) On water floatation of the needle.
(iv) If we put hair brush outside the water then hair will stick together but the hairs will be separated in the water.
(v) Clothes will be cleaned in hot detergent quickly comparatively to pure water at room temperature.
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