What is sustainable economic development write any three measures to control environment degradation?
Sustainable Economic development encourages the forms of growth that meet the current basic human needs while preserving the resources for the needs of future generations
Sustainable economic development:
Sustainable economic development defines development must take place without harming the environment and growth in the present, must not be compromising with the necessity of the future generation.
The 3 measures to control or prevent environmental degradation are:
1. Groundwater reserves and resources, particularly those which are used for drawing water by the factories, required to be regulated actively and legally.
2. The dangerous particulate matter in the air can be reduced by attaching smokestacks in industries with electrostatic precipitators.
3. Smoke also can be reduced by substitutes of coal such as gas and oil.
4. The levels of noise contamination can also be reduced by noise-absorbing silencers and materials.
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