what is swatches palette?explain different color formats used by photoshop and also the process to change a gray scale image to color image
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What is swatches palette?
- Color swatches are a set of colors.
- Photoshop supports to create custom swatches.
- Some specific colors can be applied without remembering the numeric color values.
- Colors can be extracted from an available image.
- Default swatches and custom swatches can be used.
- Custom swatch collections are vigorously used..
Click on image.
- Select Gray Scale mode.
- Revert to Layer and double click.
- Alternatively, revert to image and select RGB color.
- Double click.
How do you select an exact color to match? - Photoshop
Topics >>IT Topics >>Photoshop -06/26/12
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How do you select an exact color to match?
- Use the eye-dropper tool to sample the color as foreground color.
- Ensure that foreground color square is select.
- Use the brush tool / paint bucket tool / pencil tool for covering the area.
- Alternatively, use Clone Stamp Tool.
- Alt + Click where you want to pick the color from.
- Hold down the mouse button for covering up the new area.