What is Symbiosis explain in your own word..
Symbiosis is the phenomenon by which two organisms maintain relationship with each other to be mutually benefitted. ... Organisms involved in this type of relationship are called as symbionts. e.g. Rhizobium bacteria and Leguminous plants are symbionts exhibiting symbiosis.
Symbiosis was adopted by the scientific community in the late 1800s, though it had appeared in English in a non-scientific sense as far back as 1622. When a biological symbiosis is mutually beneficial, it is termed "mutualism." For example, when the yucca moth lays her eggs in the seed pods of the yucca, she acts as pollinator, and when the larvae hatch they feed on some, but not all, of the seeds. When one organism lives off another at the other’s expense, it’s called "parasitism." Either way, living together is what "symbiosis" is all about; the word came to us, via German and New Latin, from the Greek symbiōsis, meaning "state of living together." "Symbiōsis," in turn, traces to "symbios" ("living together"), a combination of syn-, meaning "with," and bios, meaning "life."