what is synaptonemal complex????
Answer:Homologous pairing of chromosomes takes place due to the formation of a proteinaceous structure called synaptonemal complex.
Explanation: synaptonemal complex is formed in the zygotene stage of prophase1 of meiosis1. Zygote be is the second stage after leptotene.
A diploid cell contains two sets of chromosomes and has a similar form, shape and structure known as homologous chromosomes. During the zygotene phase, the homologous chromosome start side by side pairing, this is known as synapsis. This synapsis is accompanied by a structure known as the synaptonemal complex.
It stabilises the two homologous chromosomes until the process of crossing over is complete and dissolves in the diplotene stage of prophase1 of meiosis1.
The synaptonemal complex (SC) is a protein lattice that resembles railroad tracks and connects paired homologous chromosomes in most meiotic systems. The two side rails of the SC, known as lateral elements (LEs), are connected by proteins known as transverse filaments.