English, asked by abhinavraj980161, 8 months ago

What is syrinx full explanation with five examples ??


Answered by vijay5740

 \red{ \huge{question}}

What is syrinx full explanation with five examples ??

 \blue{ \huge{ answer}}

Syringomyelia is a disorder in which a fluid-filled cyst (called a syrinx) forms within the spinal cord. This syrinx can get bigger and elongate over time, damaging the spinal cord and compressing and injuring the nerve fibers that carry information to the brain and from the brain to the rest of the body.

A watery liquid known as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) normally surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord. CSF also fills connected cavities within the center of the brain called the ventricles which continue to a small central canal that runs the length of the spinal cord. When a person has syringomyelia this fluid collects within the tissue of the spinal cord, expands the central canal and forms a syrinx. Generally, a syrinx develops when the normal flow of CSF fluid around the spinal cord or lower brain stem is disturbed. When syrinxes affect the brain stem, the condition is called syringobulbia. Syringomyelia may have several possible causes but most cases are associated with Chiari malformation—an abnormal condition in which brain tissue extends through the hole at the bottom of the skull (foramen magnum) and into the spinal canal, and obstructs the flow of CSF. Syringomyelia may also be caused by spinal cord injuries, spinal cord tumors, and damage caused by inflammation in around the spinal cord. In some cases, the cause is unknown (idiopathic).

Two major types of synrix:-

Congenital syringobulbia:- (also known as communicating syringomyelia). In most cases, syringomyelia is caused by a Chiari malformation which may allow a syrinx to develop, most often in the spine’s cervical (neck) region. Symptoms usually begin between the ages of 25 and 40. People with congenital syringomyelia may also have hydrocephalus, a buildup of excess CSF in the brain with enlargement of the cerebral ventricles. Straining or coughing can force CSF into the ventricles, causing the person to develop headache or even lose consciousness (so called cough syncope). In addition, they may have a disorder called arachnoiditis—an inflammation of the arachnoid, one of the three membranes that surrounds the spinal cord.

Acquired syringobulbia:- (also known as primary spinal syringomyelia or noncommunicating syringomyelia). Causes of acquired syringomyelia include spinal cord injury, meningitis (an inflammation of brain and spinal cord membranes usually caused by an infection), arachnoiditis, tethered cord syndrome (a condition that is present at birth that causes the spinal cord to abnormally attach to the tissues in the lower spine, limiting its movement), a spinal cord tumor, and bleeding into the cord (hemorrhage)

What are symptoms of syringomyelia?

Symptoms of damage to the spinal cord vary among individuals according to where the syrinx forms, how large it is, and how long it extends. Symptoms develop slowly over time and may occur on one or both sides of the body. Sometimes coughing and straining can trigger symptoms, but they do not cause syringomyelia. Symptoms may include:


● progressive weakness in the arms and legs

● stiffness in the back, shoulders, neck, arms, or legs


● loss of sensitivity to pain or hot and cold, especially in the hands

● numbness or tingling


● loss of bowel and bladder control

● problems with sexual function

● curvature of the spine (scoliosis) that may be the only symptom in children.

Hope this helps you

Answered by nehapatil193


The natural environment encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally, meaning in this case not artificial. The term is most often applied to the Earth or some parts of Earth.

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