English, asked by masumgahlyan, 6 days ago

what is tense. and what type of a sentence?​


Answered by gamerharshit981


Tense is the form of a verb that shows when something happened, is happening or is going to happen.[1] There are three main tenses:

Present tense: things that are true when the words are spoken or written.

Example: She goes to school. In this sentence, goes shows that it is a present tense. It suggests that she regularly goes to school.

Example: She is going to school. This says she is now going to school.

Past tense: things that were true before the words were spoken or written.

Example: She went to school. In this sentence, went shows that it is a past tense.

Future tense: things that will be true after the words are spoken or written.

Example: She will go to school. In this sentence, will shows that it is a future tense.

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