What is
reaction? Discuss the stereo chemistry of SN1 reaction.
SN1 is unimolecular nucleophilic reaction.
SN1 reaction is a first order reaction.The reaction occurs in two steps, amongst which one step is slow,and is called as rate determining step.
Polar protic solvents favour SN1 reaction as they solvate the carbocation intermediate.
The stereochemistry is such that here, partial retention and partial inversion takes place, leading to a racemic mixture.
Stereochemistry of S N 1 Reactions
Two products are formed when a chiral substrate that possesses an asymmetric, electrophilic carbon is applied in an S N 1 reaction. ... In S N 1 reactions, the nucleofuge exits the substrate before the nucleophilic attack can ever occur. Thus, an intermediate carbocation is then formed.
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