what is Thallophyta?
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➜ Hey,
* It is commonly known as Algae.
* These plants don't have a well-differentiated body. (i.e we can't differentiate their parts of body like stem, root or leaves)
* They are an aquatic habitants.
* Vascular bundles are not well developed.
* Reserved foods are starch.
* They are autotropic plants.
* They have a cellulose and cell wall around their cells.
* Thallophytes have a hidden reproductive system, Thus they are also called Cryptogamae- means together with ferns.
* Some examples of thallophyta are Spirogyra, Ulothrix, Cladophora, Ulva and Chara. [also includes lichens, fungus and even bacteria]
Hope my answer helps you :)
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Division of Thallophyta
- The division Thallophyta is classified into two subdivisions: Algae and Fungi.
>>>> Thallophytes are a polyphyletic group of non-mobile organisms that are grouped together on the basis of similarity of characteristics but do not share a common ancestor. They were formerly categorized as a sub-kingdom of kingdom Plantae. These include lichens, algae, fungus, bacteria and slime moulds and bryophytes.
Characteristics of Thallophyta
- They are usually found in moist or wet places.
- This is due to the absence of “true roots” and vascular tissue that is needed to transport water and minerals. Hence they are found in moist or wet places.
- They are autotrophic in nature.
- Most members of this group manufacture their own food. But a few members like fungi are dependent on other sources of food.,
- Reserve food is generally starch.
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