What is the acceleration due to gravity at a height R/5 from the surface of the Earth (radius R)?
Answer:height on ground=h=R
Increase in h= R/5 h=5R
I n c r e a s e space i n space p o t e n t i a l space e n e r g y
equals P E space a t space h space minus space space P E space a t space g r o u n d space s u r f a c e
equals negative fraction numerator G M m over denominator R plus begin display style R over 5 end style end fraction minus open parentheses negative fraction numerator G M m over denominator R end fraction close parentheses
equals negative fraction numerator 5 G M m over denominator 6 R end fraction plus fraction numerator G M m over denominator R end fraction
equals fraction numerator G M m over denominator 6 R end fraction
equals fraction numerator G M m x R over denominator 6 R X R end fraction space equals fraction numerator G M m x space 5 h over denominator 6 R squared end fraction
equals fraction numerator 5 m g h over denominator 6 end fraction