What is the accleration due to gravity at black hole?
Not defined.
Acceleration needs mass, volume and matter according to our science that we know. But balck holes have only energy and not mass and volume.
Gravity is actually a force which comes from gravitational force.
Which is defined as, F = GMm/r^2
Where F = Gravitational force
M and m are the masses of the object
And r is the distance between them.
As our science that we know cant actually answer now". We recently took the picture of black hole. So we can only make theory till we get the ACTUAL result.
A black hole creates a singularity. It has a finite mass which is compressed to zero volume because of its own gravity. We can, however, find the acceleration due to gravity "just as it becomes a black hole" - when it crosses event horizon and when the escape velocity at the surface is exactly 'c'.