: What is the action of concentrated H2SO4, on (a) HBr (b) HI
(correct answer )
Concentrated H2SO4 is oxidising agent and oxidises HBr ad HI to Br2 and I2 respectively.
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Concentrated H2SO4 is oxidizing agent and oxidizes HBr ad HI to and
An oxidizing agent (often referred to as an oxidizer or oxidant) is a chemical substance that tends to oxidize other substances, i.e., to cause an increase in the oxidation state of a substance by losing electrons.
As an electron acceptor – These are chemical substances whose atoms remove at least one electron from another atom during a chemical reaction. According to this definition, oxidizing agents are reactants that undergo reduction in redox reactions.
Elemental fluorine is considered the strongest elemental oxidizing agent. This is possibly due to the fact that fluorine is the most electronegative element in the modern periodic table and therefore exerts the strongest attractive force on electrons of any element.
Some compounds that exhibit large oxidation states can also be considered good oxidizing agents. Ionic examples include permanganate ion, chromate ion, and dichromate ion. Acidic examples of good oxidizing agents include nitric acid, perchloric acid, and sulfuric acid. The electronegativity of molecules increases as the oxidation states of atoms increase, thereby increasing their ability to oxidize other substances.