What is the Adaptation..?
Adaptation is the physical or behavioural characteristic of an organism that helps an organism to survive better in the surrounding environment
Types of Adaptation
Adaptations can be of the following types:
Structural Adaptations
These involve the physical features of an organism that help them to survive in the environment including the different types of terrestrial habitat. The physical changes are related to the changes in the physical environment.
For eg., camouflage, which is the protective colouration that helps an organism to blend in its environment. This protects them from predators and increases their chances of survival.
Behavioural Adaptations
This is the change that affects the behaviour of an organism. This could be caused due to the changes in the surrounding environment or due to the actions of other species.
For eg: The rabbit freezes if it feels that it has been seen by a predator. Changes in reproductive strategy, feeding habits, migration, hibernation, communication methods are a few other examples of behavioural adaptations.
Physiological Adaptations
Like structural adaptations, the physiological adaptations also involve physical changes in the species. However, physiological adaptations are not always seen in the organism’s appearance. This type of adaptation can be either due to changes in the environment or due to the behaviour of other species.
For eg: A fish living in water that suddenly becomes more acidic has to shift its body chemistry to adapt itself.