what is the advantage of communicating knowledge by writing?
The first advantage of written communication is the clarity and clear understanding that accompanies it. In written communication, the recipient can read the message many times until they fully comprehend it. Furthermore, there is a lower chance of losing or missing any section of the communication. If the receiver does not understand the message, it cannot be repeated via oral transmission. As a result of the receiver’s ability to read the news several times, written communication provides a clear and comprehensive grasp of the message.
Moreover, written communication is used in a variety of situations where other means of communication are ineffective. Organizational policies, objectives, rules, and regulations, as well as mission, directives, motivations, production techniques, and each employee’s areas of duty, are all preserved in writing. No other kind of communication is as effective as it is in the rooms as mentioned above.
Furthermore, written communication serves as an organization’s permanent record and may be valuable for future reference. Previous instructions and decisions, for example, might serve as guides for future decisions. Last year’s reports are beneficial for developing new policies and adjusting existing goals. In the event of a lawsuit, the substance of written communication is admissible as evidence.
Another advantage is that we can avoid wasting time and money if the following steps are taken. Waste of money and time can be avoided when written communication is used because all parties communicating can share ideas without meeting. In addition to that, written communication provides an accurate presentation. Top executives may communicate information more correctly and clearly through written communication. Because it is a legal document, everyone takes great care in drafting it.
Written communication also decreases the chances of distortion. In oral communication, the recipient may lose specific points during speaking. However, because the content of the message is written, the likelihood of distortion is relatively minimal with written communication. And finally, written communication instills trust in the minds of those affected by the message since it is permanent. And this self-assurance boosts morale and pushes individuals to act quickly.
Answer: Advantages of written communication: Easy to preserve: The documents of written communication are easy to preserve. Oral and non-verbal communication cannot be preserved. If it is needed, important information can be collected from the preserved documents.