what is the advantage of using osmotic pressure as compared to other colligative properties for the determination of molar masses of solutes in solutions?
The Minimum external pressure that helps in preventing osmosis is called as osmotic pressure.
The Osmotic pressure has a large magnitude even for the most dilute of the solutions. It can be measured for the dilute solutions even at room temperature. Also, most of the biomolecules are not stable at higher temperatures, pressures and the polymers tend to have low solubility rates. Therefore, compared with other colligative properties, osmotic pressure is the one property which can be used to find out the molar mass of dilute solutions and of large biomolecules.
Osmosis: The phenomenon in which solvent molecules flow through a semipermeable membrane from a solution of low concentration to a solution of higher concentration is termed as osmosis Osmotic Pressure: The hydrostatic pressure exerted by the column of the solution which is just sufficient to prevent the osmosis is called osmotic pressure. Advantage of using osmotic pressure as compared to other collegative properties: (i) The equilibrium is established very quickly. Hence, results are obtained in a very short time. (ii) The concentration of the solution does not change during determination of osmotic pressure. (iii) This is ideal method for proteins to find their molar mass since it happens at room temperature and no coagulation occurs.