what is the Adventures of Prince Husain and Nyasa?
Answer: The Adventures of Prince Husain and Mermaid Nyasa. by Smruti Beohar in English Adventure Stories. 459. 1.9k. In a place close to Egypt, was the country of Kazisthan. Kazisthan was ruled by the then king Abraham. Abraham was a noble and righteous king. He was dedicated to ensure the welfare of his subjects.
In a place close to Egypt, was the country of Kazisthan. Kazisthan was ruled by the then king Abraham. Abraham was a noble and righteous king. He was dedicated to ensure the welfare of his subjects. Abraham was happily to his wife Cilantra. Cilantra was a dutiful wife who served her husband with utmost devotion. They were blessed with a boy a young prince named Husain and a daughter a young princess named Zara. As a young prince Husain mastered the skills of archery, horse riding, swimming and sailing