English, asked by rahulKumara94, 2 months ago

What is the adverbs of walk?


Answered by samyajalan


walkably is the adverb of walk.


Answered by RitaNarine

The word "walk" is primarily a verb. The adverbs for this word would be adverbs of manner, which describe how an action is performed.

For example, She walks slowly. Here, "walk" is a verb, and "slowly" is an adverb.

  • An adverb is a word that adjusts or defines another word, such as an adjective, a verb, or even an entire sentence.
  • Adverbs often modify verbs.
  • Although many adverbs end in -ly, some, like fast, appear exactly like their adjective equivalents.
  • He sings passionately. Here, "sings" is a verb, and "passionately" is an adverb.
  • Unfortunately, we cannot accept your invitation. Here, "unfortunately" is an adverb.
  • She is extremely talented. Here, "extremely" is an adverb, and "talented" is an adjective.


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