What is the ambition of the author
of which story you are asking?
Author David B. Coe recently blogged about the topic of writing and ambition on the Magical Words blog community. It was a thought-provoking post. As it happens, this is a topic about which I’ve spent some thought, myself. And as it further happens, when I see a thought-provoking post on a topic on which I’ve already spent some thought, I decided I should subject you, my faithful readers, to the rest of my thoughts on the subject.
Coe suggests three kinds of ambition in his post, and I’m going to address the three types with regards to my own ambitions.
Fame! Fortune! Critical Acclaim! Bestseller Lists!
The first type he calls “Material Ambition“, by which he means the ambition to win awards, make tons of sales, gain recognition and fame for our work, to make more than a comfortable living on it, and so on. Of this type I say: what writer doesn’t have this sort of ambition, and in spades? I’ll tell you at least one who does: this guy. And by “this guy” I mean me. Yeah, I’m sure it comes as no surprise. I want to win awards. I want to be recognized for my writing. I want to be a bestseller. I