what is the answer??????

Objective 2. Awareness raising
Action 2.1 Develop tools, guidance, information and training packages for raising awareness
- of the links between health and climate, and the potential for enhancing health through
mitigation of the extent of climate change. The focus will be on supporting national health
decision-makers to engage effectively on setting policies for adaptation and mitigation, for
example in negotiations being carried out under the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change.
Action 2.2 Further develop WHO’s networks and mechanisms for disseminating information
- to the wider community of health professionals, and the general public, working particularly
with nongovernmental organizations, youth groups, and other relevant partners.
Objective 3. Promote and guide the generation of scientific evidence
Action 3.1 Monitor and guide research agendas. This action will include the formulation of
mechanisms to support exchange between researchers and decision-makers, definition of
- regional and national research agendas on climate change and health, and monitoring the
extent to which research output is responsive to the priorities identified by the Health
- Assembly in resolution WHA61.19.
Action 3.2. Lead, or contribute to, international assessments of the risks to health from
climate change and of the benefits to health of mitigation policies, in collaboration with other
- partners, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Action 3.3. Further develop and support the use of tools for Member States to assess the
- effectiveness of interventions to increase resilience to climate change, and the health impacts
- of adaptation and mitigation decisions in other sectors. These evaluations should include
assessment of economic consequences and wider sustainable-development implications,
- including the cost-effectiveness of interventions; the costs of inaction; and health benefits
from mitigation and adaptation policies.
Action 3.4. Produce and systematically maintain country-specific profiles, including hazards,
vulnerabilities and projected impacts, as well as the potential for health gains from health-
promoting interventions to increase resilience and mitigate the extent of climate change.
Objective 4. Provide policy and technical support to the implementation of the public
health response to climate change
Action 4.1 Support a more systematic approach to increasing the resilience of public health
systems to climate, by providing an operational framework that identifies health functions
that should be strengthened and that should take account of climate risks. This action would
encompass public health interventions within the formal health sector, and cross-sectoral
action to improve the environmental and social determinants of health, ranging from
improved air quality and wider access to clean water and sanitation to enhanced disaster
- preparedness.