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Questions and answers
What is the best answer to the interview question 'Tell me something about yourself'?
Answer · 929 votes
Interviewer: Tell me something about yourself? Me: Sir, I have a request first. Interviewer: Sure, do tell. Me: Can you write on a piece of paper the qualities you are looking for in a candidate. I request you. Then I will tell you about myself. Interviewer: That's a weird request but okay. (Writes confident, diplomatic and innovative on the paper as these are usually the qualities that an interviewer looks for in a candidate). Here you go. Now, tell me about yourself. Me: Sir, I already did. Interviewer: What? When? Me: Sir, the 3 qualities that you have written on a piece of paper describes me perfectly. Interviewer: How do I believe you? Me: Me asking you to write the qualities after you asked me a question shows my confidence considering the situation I am in. Me revealing myself in those qualities enough but not too much shows my diplomacy. And all this exercise in which you asked the question and I made you answer your own question shows that I am innovative. Interv…
What were the hermit’s answers to the three questions? Write each answer separately. Which answer do you like most, and why?
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