what is the atom of a rock and boomb who is greater then other
Sublimation is the conversion between the solid and the gaseous phases of matter, with no intermediate liquid stage. ... The opposite of sublimation is "deposition", where water vapor changes directly into ice—such a snowflakes and frost.
This section is included because residents, stakeholders, and regulators may overlook radioactive material. Many military sites used, stored, or disposed of radioactive substances, including the newer depleted uranium anti-tank shells, in addition to atomic bombs and demolition devices. Equipment is now available, that can make quick, accurate, and cheap surveys just to verify the absence of this hazard.
Recently, DOD listed 400 atomic weapon test sites. The author does not know if this list includes all atomic weapon storage facilities or ocean dumpsites. Although the cleanup of nuclear facilities is a function of the Department of Energy (states and local government entities only have authority over medical radioactivity), locating and defining radioactive contamination is still a proper role for these entities.