Math, asked by shubhampawara708, 5 months ago

what is the benefits of corona virus ????!​


Answered by Anonymous


It benefits those elites only,not the common people...

Answered by shendesahil342

Step-by-step explanation:

• India is a destination of different- different traditions. Indian Culture and traditions are something which has now become renowned all across the world. Our Traditions are unique and most of these originate from the ancient Indian scriptures and texts, which have dictated the way of life in India for thousands of years.

• Namaste is one of them adopted by the whole world to greet anybody in this corona crisis. Even the prime minister of Israel Mr Benjamin Netanyahu asked their people to say ‘Namaste’, which was the proud moment for India.

• We all know that in the early era whenever people coming home from outside should have to wash their hands and legs first before entering, the reason behind this was the hygiene.

• Today our Indian cultural rules are helping us to protect our self and to maintain hygiene which decreases the fear of infection

Feeling blue because the world’s major countries facing social and economic problems due to a pandemic. The pandemic of a virus which is called as coronavirus, Wuhan Virus and WHO gave it a scientific name as COVID-19. WHO (World Health Organization) on March 11, 2020, declared COVID-19 as a “Pandemic”. When kind of disease heavily spread prevalent over a whole country or the world is called a pandemic.

This virus directly impacts on human lungs, entering through the mouth or nose, after entering, it starts multiplying itself. Worldwide, more than 1.17Lakh people lost their lives due to infection. Majorly patients from European and American countries are still suffering from the infection.

The world is facing an economic crisis due to COVID-19 where millions of people losing their jobs and earnings day by day. India also facing the same crisis. To mitigate the effect of the crisis, the government trying to provide economic relief by announcing economic packages and also implementing various models.

Currently, India stands at 6th position after the UK in comparison to the number of cases found worldwide and our country have a larger population than the other countries even then we are doing well to fight against coronavirus. The combination of government, private, NGO’s, and other volunteers contribution helping India to break the chain of corona outbreaks.

In this difficult time of corona, we all are fighting together against it which result that most of the states of our country are free from Corona. We all know that because of COVID-19 we are suffering from social, cultural, technological and economic problems, but according to me- our advantages are more than disadvantages which are as follows:

Social Benefit

• Actually, Coronavirus brought a big change in our society like people understood their fundamental duties (to defend the country and render national service when called upon to so) toward society and also following it. Whether any person suffering from the disease or any labour going back to home, all countrymen showing kindness and stood together to help them.

• When the fund was required to recover from disaster, that time also many charity heroes of the country supported the government and donated their hard earnings. Some of the person who unable to provide any financial help, they donated labour at their level.

• In this difficult time, our country’s doctors, policemen, sweepers, NGO’s and their volunteers are working hard to protect the people from the spread risked their lives to perform duties, on which the whole country feeling proud. The social benefit from Corona has been that today the whole country is fighting together from Corona

The corona became the darkest hour for the world including the Indian economy. To overcome the crisis Indian government continuously taking some economic measures & trying to safeguard the nation from the spread of the virus.

In the present situation, the Indian economy hurt very hard but in the future surely we will going to recover from the crisis, because of various reasons:

• The largest fall in crude oil price helping India to save approx. 50 billion dollars from oil imports in the next financial year, which is beneficial for the country.

• As we already know the COVID- 19 outbreak began from Wuhan, China. So, the US, EU, Australia, Japan, and other affected countries trying to pressurize china to answer about their irresponsible move regard coronavirus. For that, they are trying to punish china economically by exiting companies out of China and to shift other countries like India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, etc.

• To grab the opportunity, India started to build a strategic infrastructure to attract FDI’s. For that, our Finance Minister announced an economic package of Rs.20 Lakh Crore to boost domestic production with consumption also to increase capabilities of MSME.

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