What is the best for artist???
please mark as brainliest I will follow you
25. You’re always able to express your creativity
24. Doing work that you actually believe in
23. Being your own boss and not have to answer to anyone else in what you create
22. Being able to put pencil or brush on paper anytime you want
21. Feeding your creativity
20. Seeing that what you’ve done has made someone happy
19. Giving other people a new perspective
18. Living the life that you want to live
17. Creating art for yourself and no one else
16. Deciding that it is time for something beautiful and surprising is about to come to life
15. You get to see how you progress as an artist
14. Living in a world where everything is an idea or possibility for new art
13. Endlessly being able to learn and grow
12. You have the potential to be famous for something you make
11. Getting to play around all day in your studio
10. Having people tell you how much they like your work
9. Experiencing the flow of creativity
8. The chance to expand your imagination
7. Being able to move people intellectually or emotionally through something you’ve made
6. Making money from something you’ve made
5. The pride and sense of accomplishment after you’ve finished a great painting, sketch, sculpture or installation
4. You get to share your art with the world
3. Working with beauty anytime you want
2. Seeing your art touch someone’s soul
1. Being surrounded by a community of other artists who get to share in the experience of all the great things listed above