What is the best strategy of answering questions in IEO in case one doesnt know the meaning of words asked in the question?
The International English Olympiad (IEO) assesses a student's English language proficiency, including their vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, and writing skills. It is common to encounter unfamiliar words while answering the questions in IEO. Here are some strategies that can be helpful in such situations:
1. Read the sentence carefully: Sometimes, the meaning of an unfamiliar word can be inferred from the context of the sentence. Try to understand the meaning of the sentence by reading it carefully, and see if the context provides any clues about the meaning of the word.
2. Break the word down: If the unfamiliar word is long or complex, try to break it down into smaller parts. Look for familiar prefixes, suffixes, and root words that may give you a clue about the word's meaning.
3. Use a dictionary: If you are still unsure about the meaning of a word, try looking it up in a dictionary. Online dictionaries are easily accessible, and can provide quick and accurate definitions.
4. Eliminate wrong answers: If you are unable to determine the meaning of a word, try to eliminate the wrong answer choices. This can increase your chances of selecting the correct answer, even if you are not entirely sure about the meaning of the word.
5. Prioritize answering other questions: In case you are unable to determine the meaning of a word, don't spend too much time on it. Instead, prioritize answering other questions that you are confident about, and come back to the unfamiliar word later if you have time.
Remember, it is important to remain calm and composed while answering questions in IEO. Don't let unfamiliar words discourage you, and use the strategies mentioned above to increase your chances of selecting the correct answer.