English, asked by xhabel, 1 year ago

what is the best way to adopt in order to win over challenges

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Answered by upenderjoshi28
                                        Overcoming Challenges

Undoubtedly, living in the world is full of challenges; especially for those who are quite ambitious. Once you set a goal and start marching towards it, you will initially find your way riddled with obstacles, hindrances, challenges, difficulties, and setbacks. Even most of the people around are not only apathetic, but critical also. It appears as if the entire world is conspiring to make us a failure.

However, this is not true. As the famous saying is: ‘Life is 10% What Happens to You and 90% How You React to it’. As we set out on the adventurous journey of success, we will definitely come across obstacles; but if we got discouraged and gave in to them, we would definitely fail, which would leave to poor self-image. A man with low self-image is not meant for stars; men or women who dare to chase their dreams naturally have a high self-esteem. Obstacles and hindrances rather fuel their zest for life. They take people’s criticism positively and learning from their mistakes keep marching towards their goals.

All great men and women of the past have been men and women who did not allow people to determine their self-image; they courageously faced challenges and obstacles. Jesus had to face so many adversities before he rose to heaven! Helen Keller had to face innumerable challenges on every step she put forward. She fought her darkness, hearing and speech disabilities and emerged as a better personality. Booker T Washington faced so many obstacles and rose from being a slave to one of the most successful educationist in the world! Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther, Albert Einstein, all faced people’s criticism and they never let it make them bitter. They made themselves better human beings and God blessed them with success in their fields.

So, in conclusion it can be said that it is unto us whether to surmount the mountain of obstacles or be surmounted by them.


Answered by Shaizakincsem
Courage and resourcefulness are the keys to beat issue on the grounds that on the off chance that we are gallant we can battle any fight, yet in that circumstance, we ought to have an extraordinary dauntless soul and confidence in our self, in light of boldness no one but we can conquer any issue whether it be in our grasp or not. 

What's more, on the off chance that you have each asset or learning accessible, all things considered additionally we can beat any difficulties that run over or before us, yet having knowledge is just not the thing from which we can accomplish our objective or face any test, we ought to have extraordinary duty, confidence, and trust in ourselves with the goal that we can defeat any issue which we confront.

Fear is something everyone feels at some point in their life. Fear is a feeling that your body produces in dangerous, threatening, or scary situations. It is the ability to identify danger and make a choice to either confront that fear or flee from the situation.  So if you conquer your fears you can overcome any challenge which comes your way.

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